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The Economist urges Europe to accept its merger with Africa gracefully

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 03 November 2018 16:01.

Forza Nuova U.S.A.

The Economist urges Europe to accept its merger with Africa gracefully

The Economist, owned by the Rothschilds, has always been at the forefront of globalism. Back in the early days of mass migration, it mocked those, such as Cyril Osborne, who warned that the population reserves of the Third World were infinite, and Europeans would seen be faced with minority status if the influx was allowed to continue.

Here we are only a few decades later and the Economist, in the same imperturbably smug tone that is its hallmark, now tells Europeans that their being merged with Africa is now inevitable and they should accept it gracefully.

Europe’s deluded politicians still say that we need to encourage development in Africa to stop them coming here. But as the Economist makes clear, prosperity acts as a driver of immigration, not the obverse.

Today’s waves of African migration are merely a prelude. Of the 2.2bn citizens added to the global population by 2050, 1.3bn will be Africans—about the size of China’s population today. And more of them will have the means to travel. Those Africans risking the trip north across the Mediterranean today are not the poorest, but those with a mobile phone to organise the trip and money to pay smugglers. Few of the Nigerians who attempt the crossing are from their country’s poor north, for example; almost all are from its wealthier south. As African countries gradually prosper, migration will surely increase, not decrease. Emmanuel Macron raised these points in a recent interview. The French president was recommending a new book, “The Rush to Europe”, published in French by Stephen Smith of Duke University, which models past international migrations like that of Mexicans into America to show that the number of Afro-Europeans (Europeans with African roots) could rise from 9m at present to between 150m and 200m by 2050, perhaps a quarter of Europe’s total population.

Rape is probably inevitable, women. Rather than resist it, you should do your best to try and enjoy it. Maybe your rapist will turn out to be a nice guy. You can have little brown sprogs with him and live happily ever after.


Civil War in American Judaism / Synagogue massacre aftermath

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 November 2018 15:58.

Civil War in American Judaism /

Synagogue Massacre Aftermath

Ending Birthright citizenship important, but sedative for America’s Mulatto supremacist trajectory

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 November 2018 09:47.

Ending Birth-Right Citizenship is inherently important, but at this point, is it a sedative injection for America’s already baked-in Mulatto supremacist trajectory?

Is it just tossing a bone to right wing sell outs - a bone picked clean of loyal White interests? - for the Zionist quid pro quo?

Wall Street Journal, 30 Oct 2018:

“Trump Wants to Curb Birthright Citizenship, Escalating Immigration Debate”

Legal scholars dismiss the idea, saying a president lacks standing to do it on his own

WASHINGTON—President Trump said he wants to sign an executive order that ends the automatic right to citizenship for anyone born in the U.S., ratcheting up his election-season remarks on immigration with a proposal many legal scholars said is unconstitutional.

In an interview published Tuesday morning, just ahead of next week’s midterms, Mr. Trump said he planned an executive order to end what is known as birthright citizenship, bypassing Congress and waving off the belief of many legal scholars that such a move would require a change to the Constitution.

“It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don’t,” he told Axios. “It’s in the process. It’ll happen, with an executive order.”

Born in the U.S.Since 2007, the number of births to unauthorized immigrants has declined. Source: Pew Research Center

Constitutional scholars dismissed the idea, saying a president has no legal standing to end birthright citizenship with an executive order. “It’s basically saying the president is above the Constitution,” said Laura K. Donohue, a senior scholar at the Georgetown Center for the Constitution.

The White House didn’t further explain Mr. Trump’s assertion that he alone could make the move, and it didn’t provide further details about the scope of the proposed executive order or the timing.

“We will let you know when we have an announcement,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said.

Birthright citizenship is a pillar of U.S. immigration law and is protected by the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which, among other goals, was designed to grant full citizenship to former slaves. But some conservatives who favor more restrictive immigration laws have opposed the policy, saying it improperly rewards the children of people in the country who lack proper documentation.

Mr. Trump’s proposal is the latest in a string of pronouncements as he seeks to invigorate GOP voters ahead of the midterms. He recently suggested a middle-income tax cut that appeared to surprise both his staff and lawmakers. Last week, he said he would seek to cut prices that Medicare pays for some prescription drugs, but that wouldn’t go into effect until late 2019 or 2020.


Nation Revisited: National Debt and Memories of a Blackshirt Supporter

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 November 2018 08:10.

Nation Revisited # 145 November 2018

National Debt.

Individuals can declare themselves bankrupt but it’s not so easy for nations. Argentina defaulted in 2001 and she is still suffering the consequences. The UK national debt currently stands at £1.8 trillion, which is almost as much as our GDP. The annual cost of this debt is £48 billion.

Few modern states earn more than they spend. The exceptions are oil-rich states with small populations, like Norway or Qatar. Most states spend more than they earn, particularly on fighting wars. They cover the deficit by borrowing from the banks and by selling bonds. This is known as the National Debt. Hilaire Belloc explained it in ‘Economics for Helen’:

“When these national loans began the Government honestly intended to pay back what they had borrowed. But the method was so fatally easy that as time went on, and the debt piled up and up until there could be no question of repaying it all: all the State could do was to pay the interest out of taxation. It remained indebted to private rich men for the principle, that is the whole original sum, and meanwhile, through further wars, this hold of the rich men upon all the rest of the community perpetually increased.”

Countries with vast natural resources and reserves of gold and foreign currencies, like the United States, can function with massive debts because the banks and bondholders trust them. But countries with no collateral can only borrow more money, for as long as they can.

When countries run out of credit they are reduced to starvation, unless some help is extended. Germany’s national debt was partly written off at the Lausanne Conference in 1932 and again at the London Conference in 1953. The Allies decided that it made more sense to get Germany back on her feet. At least, that way they would get some of their money back. It worked, and Germany cleared her debts as her economy recovered.

In 2000 a Canadian proposal for a debt moratorium was rejected by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, but eventually, all national debts will have to be rescheduled, reduced or abolished. Creditors, including private bondholders, insurance companies and pension fund managers, will cling to the present system because they want their money back, but ultimately it’s unsustainable.

The Memories of a Blackshirt Supporter

My parents came from widely diverse backgrounds, for my Father was a motor car tester, and my Mother was Governess to the children of a very senior army officer, I was born in the summer of 1924, and had a very reasonable education, initially at a state school, and then at ten years of age, to a well respected Grammar School in the Home Counties. At the age of 14, when I was on my way home from School, I came across a poorly dressed old man wheeling a pram on which he had fixed a wind-up gramophone and was playing a recording of a speech by Sir Oswald Mosley, who was addressing his audience as “my Blackshirt brothers”. I listened intently until the record was finished, and then thanked the old man, giving him a penny from my pocket. Arriving home, I explained to my Father what I had heard, and he told me how on one occasion he had gone up to London to make trouble at a Mosley meeting, but he had been so impressed that he had finished up cheering his support. I remember that. Before I was old enough to follow my Father’s example, the war was upon us. I was at University, and Sir Oswald and Lady Mosley were in prison under law 18B, together with scores of his senior officers. In fact, I never wore a black shirt myself.

After the war, they were all discharged from prison without being charged, and ‘Union Movement’ was formed. The new party had headquarters at an address in London and produced a newspaper called ‘Action’ with the front emblazoned with the Blackshirt emblem, a circle crossed by one flash, not two as in SS.

By this time I was making regular visits to London on business and would call into the London Office, and chat at length with Mr Raven Thomson, who was Editor of the newspaper. I used to make a contribution now and then to ‘Action’ and kept in touch. We had a group called ‘Friends of Union Movement’, and every now and again would attend a dinner in London, with ‘OM’ as speaker. He always spoke well, and his following was intensely loyal.

Of course, prompted by the Jewish lobby, things were made very difficult. We were obliged to drop ‘The European Salute’, and then the blackshirt emblem. The Home Office declared that the wearing of a black shirt constituted a uniform, and in spite of the fact that OM insisted that wearing the black shirt was merely to identify Party members during a commotion it was banned.

Raven Thomson died from the long-term effects of his brutal treatment during his stay in prison, and OM went to live in Orsay, France.

All these people have left their mark, and although several splinter movements have started up to maintain the creed, none have really been able to rally the public as OM was able to do.

This is not necessarily to do with their inadequacies, but the result of well organised, and Jewish funded publicity blocks that have prevented both reporting and any publicity leaking out, however small.

Once the administration was changed in Germany after the war, OM adopted a slogan “Europe a Nation”, which was his frequent cry. Were he to be here in 2016, he would have been aghast to note that the Jewish lobby is once again running things over there.

When OM retired into France he went there on the basis that eventually he would be called. He never was of course, which is a tragedy, for he would have been a brilliant statesman.

Nevertheless, he always kept his ear to the ground and clearly read the UK papers. This is made clear when some reporter named Peterborough reported on a rowdy meeting in Oxford, that the stewards had dealt with the rowdies as savagely as OM had done at his Olympia meeting. His reply is appended below.

“Sir, a note by Peterborough (May 14th) appears to compare the actions of stewards in defending my meeting at Olympia from attack, with the action of those recently attacking someone else’s meeting at Oxford. The difference is surely clear to any impartial mind.

Facts regarding Olympia are also on public record in contemporary Press reports and are now worth recalling. The attack on a perfectly legal meeting was openly organised and publicised for three weeks in advance, without any intervention of authority to prevent a flagrant breach of the law.

The assault of armed roughs was defeated by our young men who were accused of using their fists too vigorously. Soon after the occasion (the largest public meeting ever held in Britain) at Earls Court Exhibition Hall, was conducted in perfect order. Previously free speech had been systematically denied to anyone unpopular with Communism or the anarchic left. e.g. Sir Winston Churchill’s election meeting in Dundee when he was just out of hospital, reported in the Times under the heading “Mr Churchill shouted down.”

Authority was supine during a period when free speech ceased to exist. This was the origin of the Blackshirt movement, which opponents described as my “private army”. The means to defend ourselves were subsequently removed by special act of Parliament.

It then became more than ever, the duty of Government itself to maintain order, and in this duty, then and now, it conspicuously fails. In agreeing that no man should be allowed a private army, I suggest that Britain needs a Government with the will to maintain order which includes free speech for all. ”

- Oswald Mosley, Orsay, France.


Trump Is the Best President Ever for American Jews

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 November 2018 06:55.

American Thinker,  “Trump Is the Best President Ever for American Jews”, 1 Nov 2018:

By Karin McQuillan

President Trump’s statement on anti-Semitism the day after the Tree of Life massacre truly was “electrifying.”

  The Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that we’ve all read it: We’ve studied it.  They’ve gone through a lot and those seeking their destruction…we will seek their destruction…Never again.

It touched my heart deeply.  Jews have never, but never, been given this kind of whole-hearted support by an American leader before.  Trump told the rally-goers in Illinois, slowly, and with great emphasis:

This evil anti-Semitic attack is an assault on all of us.  It’s an assault on humanity.  It will require all of us, working together, to extract the hateful poison of anti-Semitism from our world.  This was an anti-Semitic attack at its worst.  The scourge of anti-Semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it cannot be allowed to continue.  We cannot allow it to continue.  It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head.  We must stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti-Semitism, and vanquish the forces of hate – that’s what it is.

YouTube screen grab.

Jews have never, but never, been given this kind of whole-hearted backing by an American leader before.  Jews are used to facing murderous hate alone.  We are not used to words that reflect the moral truth.  We’re used to mealy mouthed pieties condemning hate on all sides.

A dear friend who is active fighting anti-Semitism wrote me, “It is the strongest statement in support of Jews ever made by an American president.”


And now antisemitic murders of Jews have happened in America, on his watch.  Trump is putting the evil doers on notice: anti-Semitism will not be tolerated.  Anti-Semitism?  It’s got to end.

The forces of anti-Semitism are concentrated in four groups of our fellow Americans:  white supremacists like the man who murdered the congregants of Tree of Life; the Nation of Islam and our black community, Hispanic immigrants and to a lesser extent, native-born Hispanics, and progressives.  Three of these four groups are large, significant voting blocs.  All three are crucial to Democrat electoral victory.


Thank You, Michelle Goldberg (For admitting that you really do want to replace us).

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 30 October 2018 07:24.

Thank You, Michelle Goldberg

Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, October 30, 2018

For admitting that you really do want to replace us.

All white advocates should salute The New York Times. Week after week, one author after another openly declares his intention to replace us with non-white immigrants. It’s nice to know where we stand, and to know we were right all along.

A few weeks ago, it was Charles Blow.

Today, it was Michelle Goldberg, in an op-ed with the blunt title, “We Can Replace Them.”


Trump Predicts Many Black Presidents for USA

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 27 October 2018 19:17.

US President Donald Trump has predicted that America is going to have many black presidents in the future—a claim which is certain to come true as that country’s under 18 population becomes majority nonwhite in just two years’ time.

New Observer, “Trump Predicts Many Black Presidents for USA” 27 Oct 2018:

Speaking during the “2018 Young Black Leadership Summit” held at the White House on October 26 (note there is no “Young White Leadership Summit,” because that would be racist), Trump told several hundred black Republican supporters that it was “great, great honor” to host them in the White House.

“So you are really very special people. I wanted to say that before our little talk, and I appreciate the time you’ve given me, and boy, one—one day, one of you is going to be standing—it could be three or four of you, actually. But you’re going to be standing right here. You’re going to be standing right here.

“I have no doubt. I have no doubt. Who—who in this room, who in this room wants to be president some day? So it’s an ambitious group. It’s an ambitious group. That’s great.”

“Seeing all of you here today fills me with an extraordinary confidence in America’s future, and the great, great future of our country. Each of you is taking part in the Young Black Leadership Summit because you are true leaders on your campuses, in your churches and in your communities.

“You are leaders. Leaders of the future. You’re leaders of the present, also. Remember that. You’re leaders of youth. But it’s—it’s really something, to be your age and where are you standing? In the White House. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. And each of you is playing a historic role in making America great again for all Americans.”

According to US Census Bureau predictions from March 2018, the US is set to become majority nonwhite by 2045—or in just 27 years’ time.

During that year, the US Census Bureau said, “whites” will comprise 49.7 percent of the population in contrast to 24.6 percent for Hispanics, 13.1 percent for blacks, 7.9 percent for Asians, and 3.8 percent for multiracial population.

Because nonwhites as a group are younger than whites, the minority white tipping point comes earlier for younger age groups. The census projections indicate that, for youth under 18–the post-millennial population–nonwhites will outnumber whites in 2020—just two years away.


For those age 18-29–members of the younger labor force and voting age populations–the tipping point will occur in 2027.

By 2060, the census projects whites will comprise only 36 percent of the under age 18 population, with Hispanics accounting for 32 percent.

This prediction uses the infamously inaccurate federal definition of “white,” so the actual number of whites is sure to be even less than the official statistics.

These figures show clearly that unless white Americans start congegrating in an area and actively prepare for a balkanization of that country, they face obliteration at the hands of the growing Third World population.

Another beautiful Italian girl raped and murdered by Arabs and Africans

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 24 October 2018 17:53.

Desiree Mariottini

Another beautiful Italian girl raped and murdered by diversity

Diversity Macht Frei, 24 Oct 2018:

Africanisation of Italy, Italy, Rome, Uncategorized.

Another beautiful young Italian girl has been raped and murdered by Diversity.

Desiree Mariottini was from San Lorenzo in Rome. Her body was found inside an abandoned slum building, known as a haunt of brown-skinned drug dealers. A woman from the local area said her tablet had been stolen by someone there and she went to try and retrieve it.

According to eye-witnesses, she was drugged, raped and ultimately murdered by a group of Arabs and Africans. The cause of death hasn’t yet been determined. Someone made an anonymous call to the emergency services at 3 o’ clock in the morning on the night in question. They turned up, found chains on the door and then left.

The rapists put her clothes on after her death to try and make it look like an overdose.

This case might produce a reaction similar to the earlier Pamela Mastropietro case, which helped propel Salvini to power. Since he is now the Interior Minister, he is in a much better position to exploit it for political propaganda purposes.

Perhaps it’s a sad commentary on human nature that the death of a beautiful girl affects us more profoundly than the death of an ugly one, but that does seem to be how it is. Whatever helps jolt the NPCs out of their default programming. Her death is already producing a reaction locally.

        Justice for Desiree


Regular rape and murder by Diversity is part of the price Italians must pay for having a greater variety of ethnic cuisine. Why they would want this went they already have Italian food available to them is not clear.


Locals have been laying floral tributes to the dead girl.

Desiree Mariottini was from San Lorenzo in Rome

Salvini turned up, wanting to lay a white rose, but a bunch of screeching women from the local social care centre mobbed him and blocked his passage. They shouted “Jackal” at him and accused him of exploiting the girl’s death. His security then ushered him away.

Other people applauded Salvini and said “We are all with you”.

Salvini declared: “We’re going to do harm to the dealers. We will recover legality street by street, district by district. We are working to put these worms, these beasts, in jail. I fear that this time again they will all be foreign citizens. Justice will be done for this girl. Full Stop.”

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:24. (View)

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